Buttermilk Builders Website

Client: Buttermilk Builders Development, Inc.

📍 Seymour, Tennessee

This client came to me with the goal of updating their website to a modern look and feel – giving their clients an increasingly accessible and coherent place to view their work to see exactly what services they offer in the hopes of generating even more business.

They wanted to keep their existing logo, which came to me as a png. I recreated it in Illustrator and added it as an svg to improve the quality of the brand identity as it appears on the website. Being a construction company that deals with heavy machinery on the daily, I chose a color palette that reflected their industry.

Most imagery came to me from them, but I also had the opportunity to follow some of their team around and take some photos of my own. Along with the website, I also help run their Instagram social media account which helps increase their following and in turn generates more clients and partners for projects.